KIDSatLAKE was founded in 2011 by Johanna Maria Koller. She has many years of experience in pedagogical work in Germany and Switzerland.

The main idea behind KIDSatLAKE was a high-quality pedagogical concept with international orientation. We want to offer flexibility to fastidious parents and loving care and individual support for the children.

As a private bilingual day care centre we have a high standard of quality and a carefully developed pedagogical concept which is based on our many years of experience as well as continues development.

Our team of trained and experienced pedagogical specialists is committed to providing children with the best possible support and encouragement during the first six years of their development.

We pursue this goal both through a holistic upbringing and education in all areas of competence and by considering the individual abilities of each child.

Our nurseries are located directly by Lake Zurich, Lake Lucerne, and Lake Zug. Both inside and outside we can offer the children a diversified program. We offer a safe and secure environment which allows your child to develop optimally and have a lot of fun while playing and learning.