Working at KIDSatLAKE means investing in the development of a new generation.
Seriousness and willingness to take responsibility are just as much a part of a positive and successful cooperation as love and attention as well as a good dose of humor. As an international care facility, we employ educators from different nations. This diversity and openess are an enrichment for our daily work. KIDSatLAKE is a bilingual nursery in Zollikon, Zug, Rüschlikon, Bäch, Luzern and now also in Oberrieden. In large bright rooms we take care of children from 3 months and offer fastidious parents flexible care solutions.
KIDSatLAKE works according to an in-house quality and educational concept, which was created on the basis of many years of experience and in cooperation with scientific institutes and is constantly being improved and developed within the framework of our quality management.
We attach great importance to the fact that every single child is cared for by all staff members in a loving and sensitive manner and is both challenged and encouraged. Playing, learning, indoor and outdoor exercise, music, excursions, projects, parties and celebrations, healthy eating and working with the parents are just as important to us as qualified and friendly staff in a harmonious team.