The foundation for later nutritional habits is laid in the early childhood. Children learn their eating habits by imitating their care givers. They adopt the behaviour which is being demonstrated to them.

A healthy and balanced diet is an important requirement for the physical and mental well-being and the development. Therefore, within the framework of our childcare at KIDSatLAKE, we place special emphasis on nutrition.

A balanced diet provides your child with all nutrients it needs to have enough energy to play and romp around.

We exclusively use fresh ingredients for healthy and diversified meals. They are prepared fresh daily by our cook in our own kitchens.


  • Healthy and diverse meals
  • Sugar-free drinks
  • Fresh fruits and fresh vegetables
  • Enough milk and whole wheat products
  • Healthy nutrition as an education sector
  • Role model function of the caregivers
Ernährung bei KIDSatLAKE - Bei uns stehen täglich gesunde, abwechslungsreiche Mahlzeiten mit regionalen und saisonalen Früchten und Gemüse auf dem Speiseplan

We take the topic of nutrition very serious. Therefore, we do our best to raise awareness for healthy eating and drinking. With us the children also learn to treat food with respect and learn interesting facts about different foods through a variety of projects.

We teach the children about nutrition by involving them in the preparation of meals. By sharing meals as a daily ritual, we additionally promote a positive attitude towards healthy eating. Good table manners are an important part of education, so children learn from the beginning how to behave properly when eating. The children should also learn to develop and assess feelings such as hunger and full. This can prevent later health problems, such as obesity due to the lack of a feeling for fullness.

Usually children are very open to new and unknown food products. Curiosity can be awakened through different tastes, smells, colours and textures. They can try and find out for themselves what tastes good to them.